Studies on African malaria vectors to contribute toward malaria elimination

Prof. Lizette Koekemoer South Africa
Insecticide Resistance

Controlling malaria vectors on the African continent are challenging due to the presence of species complexes, insecticide resistance, and lack of knowledge on the biology of these species amongst others. My group and I are conducting studies to contribute towards reducing malaria transmission. These include studies on blocking the transmission between the mosquito and the human host it feeds on, understanding the molecular basis of insecticide resistance and how we can use molecular biology and other technologies to control or eliminate these malaria vectors.

Principal researcher
Lizette Koekemoer
Stage of development
The projects are ongoing and the group are well established with excellent knowledge on answering these complex questions.
Research Area
Malaria, vector control, insecticide resistance, development of novel vector control tools, mosquito infections studies for blocking malaria transmission
Research category
Medicine and Health